Are you able to help out with data entry?

Doug Parke is looking for volunteeers to help out as part of the recovery efforts in Mirboo North.

This work involves data entry from supplied document images into spreadsheets.

If are are able to help, please contact Doug at or 0412 300 251.


Welcome to the IBM Quarter Century Club of Victoria

2022 Annual Dinner

IBM’s Quarter Century Club honours employees who have attained 25 years of service with the company.

The first gathering of the Quarter Century Club took place on June 21, 1924 in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Some 42 IBMers joined the Club as charter members that day, including 15 men with 30 or more years in IBM and its predecessor companies. 

Over the years local Chapters of the Quarter Century Club (QCC) were established in various countries and regional centres to foster networking and social events for members and their partners

The Melbourne Chapter supports around 300 QCC members living in Victoria and Tasmania.  Annual dinners are held to induct newly qualified members and a mid-year luncheon is scheduled in conjunction with our Annual General Meeting.


Member Social Options in the continuing age of COVID

Hi All, we have created a short survey for members to respond to in relation to potential ways we can encourage participation, even in these socially-distanced times. The survey is web-based (free Surveymonkey account) and you can access and complete it by going to

Will also bombard you via email.

Thank you in advance for your support!

Doug Parke




2020 Annual General Meeting


This year’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held via Zoom on Sunday 26 July 2020 starting at 3:00 pm – please go to the event page for further details. 

If you haven’t already done so, submit your RSVP/Apology now.   Zoom Meeting Invitations will be issued a few days prior to the meeting. 

If you are unable to participate in the AGM, you may nominate a Proxy subject to conditions outlined at Appointment of Proxy    

Our Constitution mandates that all Office-Bearer and general Committee positions be declared vacant at each AGM and nominations called from those Members who are eligible to stand for the Committee and vote at the AGM. 

We are calling for nominations for all Committee positions in advance of the AGM to give all Members the opportunity to nominate or seek further information on the various roles, responsibilities and time commitments involved.  Should more than one nomination be received for any position, a ballot will be conducted at the AGM.  

Judy Horman has given notice of her intent to step down from the position of Secretary at our upcoming AGM on July 26.  By that time Judy will have completed six years on the Committee, with the past two years as Secretary.  As a Registered Association with Consumer Affairs Victoria (CAV) we must appoint a new Secretary within 14 days of the position becoming vacant.

Members of IBM Quarter Century Club of Victoria may nominate for any Committee position ahead of the upcoming AGM even if they are unable to participate in the AGM.   They may also appoint another financial Member as their Proxy to vote on their behalf in any ballot to be conducted at the AGM.

Please consider your availability and  interest in serving on the Committee and submit your nomination now. 


2019 AGM Decisions


The 2019 Annual General Meeting was held as part of the Annual Lunch on Sunday 7 July 2019 at Young and Jackson.

The following resolutions were passed unanimously:

  1. Committee Members.  That the total number of members of the committee be set at seven, consisting of the 4 office bearers and 3 ordinary committee members.  Two of the three new positions were subsequently filled, leaving one casual vacancy.
  2. Subscriptions for 2020/2021:
    1. There will be no joining fee.
    2. The annual membership subscription for QCC Members for the 2020/2021 year to be set at $20.00.
    3. The annual membership subscription for QCC Partners (surviving partners of deceased members) for the 2020/2021 year to be set at $10.00.
    4. The annual membership subscription for Associate Members for the 2020/2021 year to be set at zero.
    5. Those current members who decide not to pay the membership subscription be classified as Associate Members.
    6. The due date for payment of the annual subscription will be 1 July 2020.

The following members were elected to the Committee:

  1. Ed Greenaway – President.
  2. Jenny Anderson – Vice President.
  3. Judy Horman – Secretary.
  4. Tom O’Dea – Treasurer.
  5. Jim Boyle – Committee Member.
  6. Mike Ward – Committee Member.

You can view/download the notice of meeting here: Notice of Meeting for the AGM on 7 July 2019

You can view/download the minutes of the meeting here: IBM QCC 2019 AGM Minutes


2019 AGM – Notice of Meeting

QCC Logo

Meeting Date

The 2019 Annual General Meeting will be held as part of the Annual Lunch on Sunday 7 July 2019.

Notice of Meeting

You can view/download the Notice of Meeting here: Notice of Meeting for the AGM on 7 July 2019


If you wish to nominate for a position on the Committee, you can do so using this online form: Nomination for the Committee at the Annual General Meeting on 7 July 2019

Agenda Items

If you would like to have an item of business added to the agenda for the AGM, please use this online form: Request for Agenda Item for the Annual General Meeting on 7 July 2019

Remote Participation

If you are not able to attend the meeting in person but wish to participate in the meeting remotely, you can submit a request to participate in the meeting via an audio/video connection.  Please use this online form: Request for Remote Participation in the Annual General Meeting on 7 July 2019


If you are not able to attend the meeting, you can submit your apologies and you can appoint a proxy if you wish.  Please use this online form: Apologies/Appointment of Proxy for the Annual General Meeting on 7 July 2019

As an alternative, you can download a proxy form and have someone bring the completed form to the meeting: IBMQCC – 2019 AGM – Apologies_Proxy for the AGM – May 2019


The minutes of the 2018 Special General Meeting held on Friday 26 October 2018 are available here: IBM QCC VIC – SGM 26 Oct 2018 – Minutes

The minutes of the 2018 AGM held on Sunday 22 July 2018 are available here: IBM QCC 2018 AGM Minutes


2018 SGM – Notice of Meeting


A Special General Meeting will be held immediately before the Annual Dinner on Friday 26 October 2018.  This will be a short meeting to consider one item of business which is the question of membership subscriptions for the year 1 July 2019 to 30 June 2020.

You can view/download the Notice of Meeting for the Special General Meeting here: IBM QCC VIC – Notice of Meeting for Special General Meeting on 26 Oct 2018

If you are not able to attend the meeting, you can submit an online proxy form form here: Appointment of Proxy for the Special General Meeting on Friday 26 October 2018

As an alternative, you can download a proxy form and have someone bring the completed form to the meeting: IBM QCC VIC – Proxy Form for Special General Meeting on 26 Oct 2018


Looking for information about 221 Sturt Street

We received the following message from a resident of one of the apartments at 221 Sturt Street. If you have any information that can assist Robin, please contact him directly or post your comments below.

“I live in an apartment in the former IBM building at 221 Sturt ST. As an historian, am currently writing a piece about the construction of the building and its subsequent remodelling. Am having trouble finding the names of the architects who designed the building and any images of it when constructed. Am hoping that members of your club can help and would appreciate any assistance.

Hopefully Robin

robin grow

president, art deco & modernism society of australia, inc

ph:                 03 96860978

mobile:         0412567923

