The 2019 Annual General Meeting was held as part of the Annual Lunch on Sunday 7 July 2019 at Young and Jackson.
The following resolutions were passed unanimously:
- Committee Members. That the total number of members of the committee be set at seven, consisting of the 4 office bearers and 3 ordinary committee members. Two of the three new positions were subsequently filled, leaving one casual vacancy.
- Subscriptions for 2020/2021:
- There will be no joining fee.
- The annual membership subscription for QCC Members for the 2020/2021 year to be set at $20.00.
- The annual membership subscription for QCC Partners (surviving partners of deceased members) for the 2020/2021 year to be set at $10.00.
- The annual membership subscription for Associate Members for the 2020/2021 year to be set at zero.
- Those current members who decide not to pay the membership subscription be classified as Associate Members.
- The due date for payment of the annual subscription will be 1 July 2020.
The following members were elected to the Committee:
- Ed Greenaway – President.
- Jenny Anderson – Vice President.
- Judy Horman – Secretary.
- Tom O’Dea – Treasurer.
- Jim Boyle – Committee Member.
- Mike Ward – Committee Member.
You can view/download the notice of meeting here: Notice of Meeting for the AGM on 7 July 2019
You can view/download the minutes of the meeting here: IBM QCC 2019 AGM Minutes