Join now and your membership will be extended until 30 June 2026, giving you an extra full year of benefits.
When You Should Use This Form
You should use this form only if you wish to apply for membership of IBM Alumni Australia Inc. as a new member.
Before submitting a membership application, you may wish to check to see if you are already a member. You can do so by logging in to this site to view your User Profile: User Profile
Please note: If the system does not respond when you press the Submit button, please try a different browser, a different device, or select the “Pay Later” option.
Already a Member?
Already a Member?
- If you are a member of the IBM Alumni Australia Inc. already, you do not have to submit an application for membership – you just have to pay your membership subscription: Membership Subscription
- Before paying your membership subscription, you may wish to check your membership status. You can do so by logging in to this site to view your User Profile: User Profile
- If you are an Associate Member, you do not have to apply for membership – you just have to pay your membership subscription: Membership Subscription
Not sure if you are already a Member?
Not sure if you are already a Member?
If you’re not sure whether you are a member of IBM Alumni Australia Inc., please contact the Secretary: secretary@ibmalumni.org.au
Payment Options
Payment Options
You will be able to select one of these payment options:
- Paying Online using your Credit Card or Debit Card.
- If you are using an Apple device (+ Safari), you can pay using Apple Pay.
- Paying Online via PayPal.
- Pay Later. You should choose this option if you have problems completing your payment. We will send you an Invoice for the amount owing.
Need Help with Your Application?
Need Help with Your Application?
Please note: You don’t need to complete your application all at once. The system will automatically save your work and you can resume your application later.