Looking for information about 221 Sturt Street

Categories: Archives
Date Published: 27 December 2018 at 4:30 PM
Date Updated: 3 July 2022 at 3:47 PM

We received the following message from a resident of one of the apartments at 221 Sturt Street. If you have any information that can assist Robin, please contact him directly or post your comments below.

“I live in an apartment in the former IBM building at 221 Sturt ST. As an historian, am currently writing a piece about the construction of the building and its subsequent remodelling. Am having trouble finding the names of the architects who designed the building and any images of it when constructed. Am hoping that members of your club can help and would appreciate any assistance.

Hopefully Robin

robin grow

president, art deco & modernism society of australia, inc

ph:                 03 96860978

mobile:         0412567923


web:                https://www.facebook.com/Art-Deco-and-Modernism-Society-of-Australia-inc-Melbourne-Australia-61393824167/


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