Sad news of the passing of John Kidd on Monday November 15. Our deepest condolences go to his wife Grita and family. John was well respected by colleagues and customers over his many years as a CSR in Melbourne. He qualified as a QCC member in September 1990.
We have received details that the service for John will also be available online, for those who cannot make it in person, but wish to pay their respects and farewell John. The details are below:
John Kidd
07 August 1943 – 15 November 2021
The service will be livestreamed on 26th November from 1.00pm to 2.00pm
You can also access the service using the services generic login page – and the password HR5B4Y
People with the link below can also view the recording of it for up to 90 days after the event.
Please be aware that if you use the link, you agree to the website terms and conditions and their privacy policy. We at the IBMQCC Victoria have not tested this site and cannot verify these links. Doug Parke – Secretary
This Post is missing the email Address required to Login and View the Funeral Service.
Should be :
Password :
Have Tested it and it works. Available to view for the next 90 days
Johns funeral is 26th November from 1 pm to 2 pm
Greater metropolitan cemeteries
Fawkner Crick Chapel.
The Crick Chapel may not be that well known so here is a Google Maps link which will take people from IBM Southbank to the chapel – just plug in where it fits your needs. Go to: