Following an informal process conducted by our QCC Rebranding Taskforce, we are providing the opportunity for all members to formally provide their feedback via this survey process. The responses to this survey will assist the QCC committee to frame the appropriate resolutions to be put forward to the forthcoming Special General Meeting.
For more information, please refer to this set of Questions and Answers: Q&A
This form enables Club Members to participate in the Survey about the proposed changes to the Club’s Constitution.
- The detailed information from your survey responses will be available to the Committee only.
- The survey responses will be used by the Committee to frame the appropriate resolutions to be put forward to the forthcoming Special General Meeting.
- The Survey is open to all members of the IBM Quarter Century Club of Victoria.
Updating Your Answers
Updating Your Answers
Once you press the Submit button, you will receive a confirmation email with a copy of your answers.
This email will include a link that will enable you to view your answers online. You will be able to make changes to your input and submit an updated form, if you wish.
- Your Survey Responses will remain Private. Only members of the Committee will see the detail of your responses.
- Summary information only will be published: Survey Results
- We ask for your name and email address so that we can confirm that you are a member of the IBM Quarter Century Club of Victoria.
Closing Date
Closing Date
The closing date for the Survey is TBD.